Matagorda Fish Species
Fish Season Calendar
Common Matagorda Fish Species Questions
What fish can you catch in Matagorda?
In Matagorda, the fishing possibilities are diverse, and with FISH ON Texas Guide Service, led by the experienced Guide Michael, you can target an array of exciting catches. From the elusive redfish to speckled trout and flounder, our expertly guided trips ensure an opportunity to reel in a variety of prized species.
What is the best bait for Matagorda Bay?
When it comes to the best bait for Matagorda Bay, FISH ON Texas Guide Service, guided by the skilled hands of Michael, recommends a strategic approach. Depending on the season and target species, live shrimp, mullet, and crab are popular choices.
What is the trout limit in Matagorda?
The trout limit in Matagorda is subject to Texas Parks and Wildlife regulations, and FISH ON Texas Guide Service, led by Guide Michael, is committed to ensuring anglers adhere to these guidelines.
A FishOn! Texas Guide Service Guided Fishing Trip targets the top Matagorda Fish species including Redfish, Sheepshead, Southern Flounder, Sea Trout. We primarily Fish the Gulf of Mexico, Cedar Lake, Ayres Bay, Cedar Point, Mailboat Channel, South Pass Lake, Contee Lake, Big Pocket, Lighthouse Cove, Steamboat Pass, Shoalwater Bay, San Antonio Bay, Mission Lake, Whitakers Bayou, Mesquite Bay, Fishermans Cut, Guadalupe Bay, Pats Bay, Hog Bayou, Power Lake, Bray Cove, Rahal Bayou, Mitchells Cut, Little Marys Cut, Pringle Lake, Espiritu Santo Bay, Panther Point Lake, Fish Pond, Long Lake, Powderhorn Lake, South Pass, Mamie Bayou, Barroom Bay, Corey Cove, Panther Reef Cut, Sixmile Creek, Little Chocolate Bayou, Indian Point, Placedo Creek, Lavaca Bay, Chocolate Bay, Bennett Point, Chocolate Bayou, Gallinipper Point, Noble Point, Powderhorn Bayou, Keeran Point, Harbor of Refuge, Mud Lake, Lynn Bayou, Garcitas Cove, Big Dam Bayou, Huckleberry Bayou, Indian Point, Powderhorn Lake, Lavaca Bay, Pringle Lake, San Antonio Bay, Shoalwater Bay, Steamboat Pass, Whitakers Bayou, Barroom Bay, Espiritu Santo Bay, Fishermans Cut, Lighthouse Cove, Mailboat Channel.